Primary representatives for APPA member institutions were contacted to inform them that the 2024–2026 Officer Election had opened. The purpose of this election is to ratify the nominee to fill the APPA Vice Chair of the Board position for the next two years.
The process for selecting the new vice chair began in late May. APPA posted a request for candidates to be nominated on the APPA website. At the same time, the APPA Board of Directors formed a Vice Chair Selection Committee. This committee reviewed the applications and interviewed all the nominees. Based on these reviews and interviews, the committee made a recommendation to the APPA board. After deliberation, the Board unanimously selected the vice chair candidate. Click here to read the candidate’s biography and platform statement.
For any questions regarding the APPA Officer Election, contact Anita Dosik.
Thank you for participating in APPA’s 2024–2026 Officer Election in selecting our new Vice Chair of the Board.