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Update in New APPA President & CEO Search

June 4, 2024

We want to update the APPA community on the progress in the search for the next APPA President & CEO.

Since the APPA Member and Key Stakeholder Listening Sessions earlier this year, and the appointment of a Search Committee in March, that committee has been diligently identifying top candidates to become APPA’s next President & CEO. They have been assisted in their efforts by an APPA Business Partner, Opus Partners, a nationally recognized search firm with extensive experience in conducting searches for numerous facilities organizations.

We forwarded to Opus all potential candidates recommended to us for the position. Opus has also recruited extensively, casting a wide outreach in the search for top individuals and encouraging them to apply. Simultaneously, several highly qualified individuals submitted their applications. These efforts yielded a large, inclusive, diverse, and well-qualified pool.

Opus extensively interviewed all the candidates and gave a detailed assessment of their qualities, experience, and expertise. Next, the Search Committee closely analyzed each of these applicants and reduced the pool of candidates to 21, whose qualifications best met the key qualities we identified during the Listening Sessions. Over a series of meetings, the committee narrowed this number down further to a smaller group of the most promising prospects.

Over the next several weeks, the committee will conduct a Zoom interview with each of those candidates while also studying them further. From those efforts, they will identify the top individuals to move forward as finalists for additional interviews.

We are excited to report that we have a very strong candidate pool. All of them are excited at the prospect of leading our association at this key moment, and are enthused about the direction we can go!

We want to thank Opus, all of Search Committee members, and everyone who has assisted in this critical process thus far, and those who will help going forward. We will give more updates as the process concludes, and we are excited at our potential future together! APPA’s best days are still ahead!

The APPA Executive Committee

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