An institution’s day-to-day routine can hinder facilities leaders from creatively thinking about future needs for their operations. Since facilities affect the entire higher education experience, facilities leaders must ponder various topics, such as the impacts of new technologies and leadership at their institutions.
In this video, Jamie Gayer, senior HR director at Indiana University, Bloomington, reflected on how participation in the 2024 Thought Leaders symposium gave her the space to engage in a creative mindset about the future of facilities. She discusses the importance of the higher education infrastructure and understanding the impact that facilities have on every aspect of the institution. In that sense, institutional decision-makers need to come from all critical areas that impact overall student experience so that campus leaders understand the reality of work environments for all staff levels.

Gayer’s most significant takeaway from the Thought Leaders Symposium was maintaining a continued curiosity about technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and smart-campus infrastructure; and how those tools can make work different, more efficient, and effective.
Learn more about APPA’s 2024 Thought Leaders Symposium and Thought Leaders Series.