Unedited responses from APPA’s survey on FM practices during COVID-19, conducted March 2020.
Which key supplies are you experiencing shortages on and how are you addressing these shortages?
Hand sanitizer; making due with what we have.
We would like to have more N95 masks and Tyvek suits. -We would also like to have more Clorox wipes.
Hand Sanitizer. Rationing and making our own. Disposable wipes. Rationing.
Hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes.
Disinfectant, hand sanitizer, wipes.
Tyvek suits that our painter would use. N95 masks for custodians. Sanitizing wipes for general use.
Supplies for aerosol disinfectants (Clorox 360), disinfecting wipes, and PPE (gloves, masks) are running short. To the degree possible, we are prioritizing the areas getting Clorox 360 treatments. We are attempting to source these products through a variety of purchasing avenues.
Lighting, carpet and sanitation supplies.
Our University medical staff that treat students and animals (we have a Veterinary Teaching Hospital) are running low on masks, gowns and other consumable medical supplies. We have not been able to acquire hand sanitizer since this began. At this point in time, the supply chain for maintenance goods has slowed, but not stopped, there are delays, but we had a pretty good stockpile.
PPE – gloves, masks, and goggles.
RS-700 masks and disinfectant wipes – on back order.
Hand sanitizers, hand soap, PPE masks, shields, and gloves. We have no option to get these materials in Ohio. Everything is being prioritized to the health and medical facilities.
Construction and maintenance materials.
PPE for cleaners, especially, masks and gowns for those servicing isolation wards. Also, general sanitation supplies like hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes.
Thermometers Hand sanitizers Wipes.
Mask, pep, cleaning orders supplies.
Janitorial and PPE supplies (e.g., hand sanitizers, disinfectants, masks).
No complete outage as of yet. But, the manufactures of disinfectant and paper goods supplies have been cut back on quantity that they will deliver.
Masks. We are limiting how many are getting used.
Cleaning supplies Bed safety rails.
None so far, we have a well stocked store room.
Dust masks and rubber gloves.
Hand sanitizer.
Cleaning supplies and gloves.
Portable sanitizer, masks, paper gowns at this time are delayed. We are sharing between 5 campus locations.
Cleaning supplies and PPE. The significantly reduced activity on campus and minimal staff posture has reduced our ‘burn rate’ of supplies. All PPE has been cataloged and made available to local healthcare facilities.
N95 masks.
Our company has listed a brand name, Oxivir as the preferred disinfectant for the cleaning crews. We were able to order a limited quantity before supplies were gone. Currently, being overly aware in usage and new orders are not being filled at this time.
Masks and hand sanitizer. Trying to ration out current inventory.
Oxivir disinfectant, hand sanitizer.
Hand sanitizer/disinfectants/gloves/masks.
Mostly cleaning supplies and masks for medical facilities, but with the rest of the campus closed we are able to shift supplies where they are needed.
Gloves and masks.
Cleaning supplies that meet EPA guidelines, hand sanitizer, nitrile gloves, N95 respirators. We’ve acquired cleaning products from a variety of sources, backordered and waiting on other products. We’ve encouraged staff to clean, disinfect and reuse PPE as much as possible.
Sanitizers, gloves, masks.
Oxivir TP. We are placing order and waiting for deliveries. Deliveries are coming in but slow and limited quantities.
Hand sanitizer…requesting staff to wash hands frequently and cleaning staff focusing on touch points.
Engineering talent for commissioning a critical piece of equipment. The key person won’t/can’t travel. We have to wait; we are commissioning the rest of the system around this piece of equipment.
Cleaning supplies.
Disinfectant and sanitizers.
Hand sanitizer masks.
Sanitizing wipes. Using spray bottle sanitizing solution and micro cloths were possible.
N95, disinfectant, suits.
Flex-duct, stainless steel/Plexiglas and pep.
Hand sanitizer and masks.
Non latex gloves, Clorox T360 supplies, hand sanitizer.
Custodial supplies and PPE.
Mask, disinfectant and hand sanitizer.
Disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer.
Starting to run low on N95 masks, have told all my sales reps of all my suppliers to notify me ASAP on any incoming supplies, understanding that first responders and hospitals are getting replenished first. I am also checking local stores such as Home Depot/Lowes/Pep Boys etc.
Just filter masks. We have been able to obtain all other supplies.
PPE is in short supply. We ordered some weeks ago and our supply is constantly telling us they are two weeks out. We are consolidating supplies from across campus to a central location so we know exactly what we have.
Hand Sanitizer N95 Masks.
PPE – masks, gloves. Our Office of Research is making hand sanitizer for on-campus use, testing to prove appropriate alcohol content.
PPE, specifically gloves, masks and gowns. We are working with vendors to acquire as much as we can as they become available. We’re also following the trends in manufacturing as many companies are repurposing their plants to manufacture these items. We’re also experiencing shortages in disinfectants. We are monitoring the EPA list of approved chemicals that is linked on the CDC website. In addition to researching online for available vendors/supplies, we are also working closely with our regular vendors. The EPA list opened some new avenues for consideration, e.g., veterinary disinfectants.
Masks, disinfectant wipes, and hand sanitizer are impossible to come by presently. Gloves cost more and take longer to arrive.
Dust Masks and Nitrile Gloves.
Mask, Wipes, gloves, cleaning spray.
We have limited dust/N95 Mask supplies for construction work. Instead people are using respirators. Most other supplies have been available. Some lumber supply is saying that they are going through a lot of plywood etc. so that storefronts downtown can be boarded up. So far we can get enough.
PPE and cleaning supplies,
Clorox Wipes, hand Sanitizers, Mask We are constantly calling various vendors. Getting on a wait list. Increased our orders in the initial weeks. Getting daily inventory reports.
ReJuvNal, in place of Virex, which has been directed to health facilities. Disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers.
Long lead items manufactured in Canada and California. Exploring other material options if available. Adjusting schedules as needed.
Hand sanitizer (pumps and dispenser refills), disinfecting wipes.
Hand sanitizer. Disinfectant. Disinfectant equipment. Gowns used for disinfecting.
PPE i.e., masks, purely wipes and hand sanitizer. All are on back order.
Hand sanitizer and sanitizer wipes.
Bottles and spray nozzles. Face masks. Gloves. Our central procurement office is working on alternate supply methods.
N95 masks.
Custodial supplies (masks, gloves, some chemical), hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, etc. Expect other supplies will become an issue soon.
Masks, gloves.
We are having difficulty getting cleaning supplies and sanitizers. We are using existing stock and receiving what we can at this time.
Sanitizer and hand soap orders have been delayed or not fully provided.
We are having first and second shift using the same keys, wiping them down and disinfecting after each shift.
Cleaning solutions. Cleaning wipes. Paper towels.
Toilet Paper, Paper Towels & Hand Sanitizer. We are working with vendor, and areas on campus that have closed or reduced occupancy. Supplies are then re distributed as needed.
Sanitizing wipes for classrooms and office spaces (Purell wipes), disinfectants. We have had to review other cleaning protocols for vendors that provide their own cleaning services, such as bookstore and food service – in cases where their cleaning programs were not sufficient, we provided some of our own supplies, some of which are now backordered.
Face masks, gloves and disinfectant wipes.
Hand sanitizing lotion and wipes – though with students now gone we have barely adequate supplies.
Hand sanitizer.
We are short on masks, hand sanitizer and disinfectant. We are placing orders with our vendors and asking them to deliver supplies as they arrive instead of waiting for the entire order to arrive.
Paper goods gloves any disinfectant or Quaternary product.
The same thing everyone else is challenged with – masks (ear loop and N95), hand sanitizer (mostly dispensers), and disposable gowns for sanitizing spaces.
Hand sanitizer and disinfectants.
Hand sanitizer shortage. Promoting soap and water whenever an option.
Hand sanitizer.
Hand sanitizer refills and some of the high end cleaning equipment produced by 3M and others that aid in sanitizing.
Hand sanitizing wipes.
Hand wipes, sanitizer, disinfectants, mask, gloves, most cleaning chemicals are on back order.
Gloves, hand sanitizer, n95 masks, Tyvek suits.
Disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, paper protective gear.
COVID disinfectant.
N95 masks. We have orders in with our suppliers and are basically on the waiting list with everyone else.
Protective Equipment for our painters, we have found enough supply to last us for a short time but the remaining supply is back ordered through August.
Hand sanitizers in all types such as 1200 ML bags for wall dispensers, gel type for personal use, and hand wipes.
Personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer.
Disinfecting wipes and Hand sanitizer. Waiting until they come in and using other products.
Small bottles of hand sanitizer.
Hand sanitizer supplies. Having to pay higher price when available.
Surface wipes, sanitizer, fogging machines.
Hand sanitizer and N95 masks. Other than that I have not noticed any shortfall in valves, thermostats, actuators, pump, seals, etc.
COVID19 specific PPE. Placed replenishment orders several weeks ago.
Some manufacturing is slowing to supply construction materials.
Still waiting for larger amount of masks as of 3/30/20.
Hand sanitizer, surface sanitizing wipes.
All sanitation and cleaning supplies.
Masks, medical grade disinfectant, nitrile gloves, hand sanitizer.
N-95 – Unresolved other than issuing Ziploc style bags for employees to keep their disposable N-95 mask to extend its useful life. Tyvek suits – Unresolved.
Hand disinfectant.
Cleaning supplies are of course in short supply. Disposable sanitizing wipes for single users are the most needed and out of stock. We are using spray bottles of bleach and paper towels.
Masks for custodial. Our suppliers are out of disinfectants, but we have an adequate stock on hand for the month of April.
Hand Sanitizer Gloves.
PPE and unusual items that need priority shipping.
Lysol wipes, cleaning products- rags and liquid cleaners, gloves, hand sanitizer, soap.
Hand sanitizer, n-95 masks.
Hand sanitize and disinfectants, does seem to be leveling out though.
Cleaning Supplies.
Sanitizers and web cams.
Custodial supplies. We were able to get some hand sanitizer stations, and aerosol cans, but have struggled getting wipes.
Hand sanitizer, sterilization supplies.
It has been nearly impossible to get hand sanitizer. Instead, we put together “hand wash kits” for those without routine access to a sink. These kits include a Ziploc bag with a small bottle of hand soap (can be refilled) and some paper towels, plus a 1-gallon cooler that can be filled with water so that hands can be washed outside the truck or van. (When summer comes, we will re-purpose the coolers for ice water or Gatorade!)
Sanitizer and hand stand supplies for sanitizer.
Disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, etc.
Cleaning supplies.
We are short on ant bacteria hand gel and the stations to hold it. We have a small supply but we can’t get it in a fast as we’d like to. Disinfecting wipes are also slow to come in from our suppliers.
PPE, particularly N95 masks.
Hand Sanitizer is in extremely short supply. Waxie, our supplier can’t give a good estimate on when it will be available. We encourage all staff to wash hands in preference to using sanitizer. Disinfectant wipes (30 second kill) are also difficult to obtain. We use our standard quarantine disinfectant (10 minute dwell). Our standard nitrile gloves are also hard to find but we’ve been able to supplement with food service gloves.
We are unable to obtain PPE like masks, gloves, and protective suits. We were able to order in disinfecting supplies, wipes, etc. prior to the pandemic really taking off, so we are set in that respect.
Lysol and Lysol wipes. We are looking for alternative products.
Cleaning Chemicals for our T-360 machine and wipes and hand sanitizer.
Shortages on hand sanitizer and dispensers.
We are having a difficult time with hand sanitizer from our normal supplier. We are working with a local distillery that has shifted production to add us to their distribution list.
Masks, gloves, surgical gowns.
Hand sanitizer, key cleaning supplies, gloves etc.
Disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer. We are having our chemistry department assist in making hand sanitizer, we are also utilizing the university EOC as a purchasing arm to assist in economy of scale purchasing.
Hand sanitizers, other cleaning supplies.
Disinfectant materials general shipping delays.
Sanitizing wipes; protective gowns for cleaners; hand sanitizer.
Hand sanitizer, soap, masks, gloves. Only essential employees get these items. We are using hand sanitizer and soap from buildings that are not fully occupied in order to extend the life of some items.
Hand sanitizer and dispensing units, of course toilet paper, suppliers are only doing drop off in parking lot and for shorter times each day. Anything with a circuit board made in China is hit and miss.
Hand sanitizer, electrostatic sprayers, disinfectant wipes.
Toilet Paper and wipes.
Cleaning supplies and PPE.
Masks and gloves.
Alcohol based hand rub.
Hand sanitizer, Quick kill disinfectants, masks, gowns/Tyvek suits.
PPE & EPA registered disinfecting wipes.
Cleaning Office Supplies.
Oxivir wipes, hand sanitizer and total 360 Clorox disinfectant.
Hand Sanitizer Masks Certain Cleaners.
Clorox wipes and 3M #15 disinfectant.
PPE and some disinfecting. Scouring existing and potential suppliers and suitable, effective products. Sharing within the institution and system.
Hand sanitizer and protective masks. Hand sanitizer posting signs up encouraging staff and faculty who are on campus to properly wash hands, use gloves and dispose after each use. Social distance and cover cough in inter arm or with a tissue. Dispose tissue in trash receptacle. Some mask are on hand. Only where mask if sick or around someone you are taking care of which is sick.
Disinfectant, hand sanitizer, n95 masks, cleaning wipes, etc.
n95’s Wipes.
1. We had to order a replacement product for hand sanitization since the ones we used were green and non-alcohol based – took 8 days to come in. 2. Large hand sanitizers are in short supply – we still do not have them for lobby areas in all buildings.
Hand Sanitizer refills PPE No shortages so far for O&M Supplies.
Hand sanitizer.
Masks are in short supply. We continue to look and place orders as we try to get in line.
Due to the limitation of N95 Masks, we only have a very limited stock of 15 on hand and three asbestos abatement projects in April.
Gloves, masks, toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer.
Masks and other PPE. Hand sanitizer.
Can’t get hand sanitizer, Tyvek suits, latex gloves, face masks.
Hand sanitizer, wipes and latex gloves. We are rationing what we have.
Masks – we’re using bandanas. Clorox wipes – we’re using quaternary ammonium Gloves- we’re rationing them Toilet paper- rationing them Hand towels- rationing them.
N95 mask.
Delay on supplies like disinfectants, toilet paper, soap.
Protective gear.
Budget freeze larger issue than supplies.
Custodial supplies mostly disinfecting chemicals.
Face masks, hand sanitizer and gloves are running low and are back ordered.
We had trouble at first with hand sanitizer.
Any supplies related to coronavirus; other supplies are delayed as resources are used to move supplies to healthcare facilities.
Hand Sanitizer and wipes.
Masks: N95 and nuisance dust masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes.
Sanitize materials and face masks.
Wipes and masks are short supply. We were using Oxivir but supplies on back order. Trained all personnel in the use of pest control mist/foggers by our Pest Control partner. The Sterilab product used in these devices which is 90% alcohol quickly sanitizes areas. We have one currently lent to us and cases of the product. We have purchased two more electric “foggers” arriving this week from our pest control provider. We have also purchased numerous spray bottles to provide departments with a sanitizer and to be used by facilities going into areas. If Oxivir is low mix 9 parts water to one part Clorox. Instead of 30 seconds Clorox solution takes 5 minutes to activate. PPE of gloves, eye ware are not in short supply. Purchased prior to “run” of items 50 more GOJO sanitizer wall dispensers, spray disinfectant, and cases of hand sanitizer. Buildings are in lockdown. Use of badge only access. Only building Students left on campus have access to Student Union on floor one.
PPE and sanitizing products.
Hand sanitizer. Disposable gloves. Alcohol disinfectant.
Hand sanitizer short supplies. Less people move supplies where needed. Clorox wipes not available – leave spray bottle of disinfectant and paper towels.
Oxivir 1 wipes Oxivir Tb spray Gojo hand sanitizer 2000ml Lysol professional spray.
We have not been able to get End Bac II for a couple weeks now.
Personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves. Any request for PPE must be reviewed and approved by upper management.
Sanitizing products and PPE.
Certain disinfectants, using alternate solution.
Disinfectant for the Electrostatic sprayer.
Cleaning supplies.
Cleaning supplies…..We minimized staff who are coming into campus….relying on stock supply.
N-95 masks, hand sanitizer.
Gloves, dust mask.
Clorox total 360 liquid, Clorox wipes, Oxivir wipes in containers (only re-fills available), pump hand sanitizer.
Hand sanitizers – Disinfecting wipes – CDC’s approved disinfectants.
Gloves, masks, Sani wipes.
Cleaning products, PPE equipment.
Masks, Hand Sanitizers, other cleaning products, which Procurement is working with our vendors to secure.
N95s Disinfectant wipes Gowns Hand sanitizer.
Mask, disinfected.
Materials for construction that are procured from overseas, PPE.
Mostly cleaning supplies, but so far we have successfully performed all critical cleaning tasks.
Alcohol hand sanitizer. Continually looking for more supplies.
We have the basics in our Storeroom, but we have several items we have ordered to be more prepared for a surge on back-order (and they have been for about a month): basic dust masks, N95 masks, Virex II 256, total 360 disinfectant, goggles, face shields.
Disinfectant, hand sanitizer, and non-latex gloves are very difficult to find. To minimize impact, once spaces have been cleaned, they are locked and a sign posted to alert potential users that they cannot access these areas. So far, based on the campus being fully online with a stay at home order throughout the state, this has been effective.
Disinfecting products, gloves and paper goods. We’re rationing to custodial closet supply points so we can keep more central control of where products are going. We’re fortunate that all instruction has gone on line, many employees are telecommuting so we have very few faculty and staff on our campuses.
PPE protection, mask and gloves.
Hand sanitizer: we are strongly recommending the wearing of nitrile gloves and wash hands as often as possible.
FF&E – furniture manufacturers have shut down; glazing; ACT; PPE, sanitizer.
Cleaning supplies. PPE.
Sanitizing products just like everyone, we have a two month supply and we are working on increasing stock.
N95 Masks are in short supply since other departments are using our supply as well. Low supply on hand sanitizers, since all back ordered till December. Only have wipes in ample supply.
Cleaning supplies.