Unedited responses from APPA’s survey on FM practices during COVID-19, conducted March 2020.
How are you currently screening your staff? What specific processes or procedures have you put in place?
Asking them to self-report if they don’t feel well.
Screening only in our healthcare facilities at this time.
In common areas we are allowing work to continue. We are stressing proper PPE and social distancing. Where we need to enter a staff office or student room we are contacting the individual and screening for possible Covid-19 exposure. Evaluate before entering. In the case of emergency we have PPE kits ready but it is only as a last resort.
Questions: 1. Have you traveled internationally within the last 14 days?; 2. Are you showing any symptoms today? (e.g., Fever equal to or greater than 100.4°F, Coughing, Shortness of Breath); 3. Are you residing with any individual who has a fever (equal to or greater than 100.4°F), is presumed positive, or in a 14-day quarantine? If ANY of the above questions are responded with a “Yes”: ? Employee: Please follow up with your Supervisor ? Non‐Employee: Please follow up with Administrator.
Employees with underlying conditions stay at home. Remaining employees are observed for symptoms and maintain social distancing by staggering shifts
Dear Leaders, With growing concerns of COVID 19, please know we are doing everything we can to protect patients, team members and visitors, including updating our processes and implementing daily employee symptoms screenings. As part of symptoms screening, team members should not come to work if they have fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. Screening questions are: • Temperature above 100° F • Difficulty breathing • Cough, nasal congestion or sore throat that is different than normal baseline and with symptoms that are not mild or infrequent. Prior to heading to work each day, Children’s Health and UT Southwestern team members now must complete a symptoms assessment using an assessment tool. Team members can find the assessment tool on childrens.com/staff, by texting “screen” to 77 444 or this QR code. If team members do not complete the screening tool at home, they will be required to complete it before the start of their shift. If a team member answers “no” to all of the screening questions in the symptoms assessment tool, they will receive a messaging confirming that they are cleared for work that day. If a Children’s Health team member answers “yes” to any of the screening questions in the symptoms assessment tool, they will not be cleared to come to work and they need to leave the facility immediately. Team members who are not cleared to come to work or stay at work are exempt from dependability standards for their absence. Leaders should contact their Human Resources Business Consultant if they have questions. If not cleared to come to work, the team member should first contact their immediate supervisor to let them know they will not be coming in to work. Next, an Occupational Health representative will contact the team member to discuss next steps. If a team member has questions, they can contact the Occupational Health Care Line at 469 488 2020, option 2. If a UT Southwestern team member answers “yes” to any of the symptoms in the symptoms assessment tool, they should immediately notify their supervisor as well as contact UT Southwestern Occupational Health at 214 645 5300. In addition, the team member’s immediate supervisor will receive an email that the team member is not cleared for work, due to symptoms assessment tool results. The unit leader is responsible to ensure staffing needs are filled for each shift. Leaders are responsible to demonstrate compliance of completion of screening of their teams for each shift. Reporting is be available for leaders to track all team members’ responses to the symptoms assessment tool. Remember and please remind your team members: If you are not feeling well, please stay home, and if you are well, please practice social distancing by following the six-foot distancing rule.
We take temperature reading every morning. If someone is sick, or feels sick, they must stay at home. We have restricted access to some buildings where the population is older.
We have told them not to come to work if they are feeling the least bit ill. They will be paid administrative time if they are unable to work. This is a self-screening process.
We are utilizing touch-less thermometers or disposable thermometers in our medical and dental schools.
Temperature checks.
Using Province of Nova Scotia Protocol: i.e., Are you currently feeling well? Have you or someone you have been in contact with have CV-19? Have you traveled outside the Province in last 14 days?
Screening currently is asking several set questions and stressing that anyone who has exhibited symptoms (fever/cough/shortness of breath) and/or been exposed needs to self-quarantine for 14 days.
They must check in with our Police Department and show their ID as well as sign in.
We implemented a process in which they have to respond to the county ordered questions via a Qualtrics survey. This survey is accessible via their mobile devices through a web link “application” tile. They are required to respond to it prior to arriving at work, but no more than 4 hours before due to the rate of speed that symptoms can appear. This information is compiled and shared with supervisors. If a “yes” response to any of the questions is indicated they are not to report to work and are given isolation/quarantine guidance. We are not taking temperatures, only due to lack of equipment, but are asking staff to take them for themselves.
Self-identified questionnaire, travel, exposed to anyone with covid 19, currently or in last 72 have a fever.
Team members are to check temperature 2 times per day. Screening at entrance is two questions: Are you self monitoring? Do you have any new symptoms?
They fill out a questionnaire.
Taking their temperature prior to the start of the shift.
While maintaining at least 6′ of spacing while waiting, the Facilities staff has their temperature checked prior to clocking in at every shift. We document the temperatures daily. If anyone has a temperature greater than or equal to 100 degrees F, we send them home and notify HR.
Before being granted site access each person must verify answers to the following questions: 1.) Have you traveled internationally in the past 60 days, 2) Have you seen a doctor in the past 30 days, 3) Have run fever greater than 100 in the past 30 days. 4) are you providing care for anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 virus?
Only screening in the sense that we are actively and positively messaging to everyone, “if you are sick, please stay home” (and letting them know it is OK, no judgment, we will not question anyone’s work ethic, etc.).
Instructing anyone displaying symptoms or who has been in contact with a confirmed or presumptive case to stay off campus. Supervisors are also monitoring their staff.
Temperature verification and asking if anyone in household is sick.
They must have a COVID compliant H&S plan for their employees. They must have Senior Vice President approval for scheduled access to Campus (our campus is currently closed) Their work must be essential. they must answer no to the following: any fever, aches or flu symptoms? any positive test for COVID, any travel outside country in last 14 days, any known contact with an individual that has tested positive.
We are following the CDC screening procedure that asks them about their personal health and if they respond positive, we are asking them not to enter the facilities.
Signage and work order requests screen clients for recent travel, symptoms.
Ensuring staff have no pre-existing conditions that would put them at risk, ensuring they understand if they feel sick to stay home, working staff remotely from each other and requiring social distancing. Staff are on reduced work hours and all check in with manager prior to start of work. Since COVID tests are not available in this area unless you have symptoms we are not testing.
Our screening requires that all essential staff and contractors that cannot work remotely take their temperatures before reporting to work, as recommended in the Stay at Home Order issued by the State of Ohio. This requirement, is self enforced and compliance is by honor.
Maintenance employees must have their temperature taken before entering hospital buildings on campus.
Contractors are required to identify all staff that will be working on a weekly basis the week before; check in with police when the arrive and leave; what rooms they will be working in and provide contact numbers.
We directed, campus-wide, that all employees take their temperature before reporting to the workplace. This includes administrators and bargaining unit personnel.
Access campus through one door. Report to Police Department to check in and self-administer a temperature check.
Taking temperatures, making sure they know proper protocols.
Questionnaire, prior to accessing property. Questions are: 1.) Traveled international within 14 days? 2.) showing signs of covid symptoms, tested positive? 3.) Living with someone with signs of covid or tested positive, etc.
Staff are instructed to inform management of any symptoms they may have as well as inform if they have visited any of the areas of high concentration or health care facilities with known infections.
Measuring temperature. It must be less than 100.4.
We have a split crew right now all are being paid regular time. Those at home are on “stand-by”. Crewmembers text me with their temperature before their shift. If one has a high temp, they stay home and it gives me a chance to call another person in.
Staff is stopped at entry point to complex, Security is asking standard questions to each employee prior to entry. 1. Have you traveled abroad in the last two weeks 2. Have you felt ill in the past 12 hours 3. Do you have a cough 4. Have you experienced a fever a yes to any of these will stop access to the site.
We are following Public Health guidelines, asking each employee the questions. This has not been a concern for us; anyone appearing ill is asked to go home, stay home. We have enough depth that we can cover the critical function with someone who is not ill.
As of right now, we only have 2 people on Post, everyone else is home. The 2 that are on Post, make sure that they have no symptoms.
Questionnaire in place, however do to shelter in place executive order all buildings and construction shutdown – only addressing work that impacts safety of sites or work in place and buildings.
Checking Temperatures with a forehead thermometer.
Still a work in progress but our county health team has us provide a written questionnaire to every employee when they come into work. Supervisors collect them. This is a new process for us.
Stay at home period and shelter in-place has been in force for 17-days. If staff are experiencing symptoms, we implemented telemed options and drive through physical exams. If cleared then they can resume work. Our primary screening is shelter in-place.
Qualtrics survey that asks specific questions related to travel etc. as mandated by our county health department (Ingham county/MI).
We are asking that any employees presenting any symptoms to stay at home and self isolate. If we see or hear any symptoms while at work we are asking that they leave work immediately and self isolate.
Daily self-screening questionnaire. At medical facilities, confirmation of self-screening and temperature reading.
We have our health service center taking temps (infrared) and asking qualifying questions.
We are visibly checking to ensure no illness upon arrival.
Contract and university staff must have a visible name tag with name and company affiliation. This is standard practice but in todays climate getting additional attention.
Temperature checks are taking place prior to entering workplace.
Temperatures are being taken and passes issued indicating they have had there temp and are accounted for. A list of on campus personnel are being kept for tracking.
Daily huddles to check for wellness and provide daily guidance.
They were emailed a survey to fill out if they have traveled to any affected areas, or if they feel they have been exposed to any degree.
Combination of questionnaire and temperature checks. Temperature checks mainly for utility operators.
Taking temperatures.
If they are ill, they are not allowed to come to work.
We are closed to the public, but we are taken the temperatures of the staff and if that staff member isn’t feeling well we send them home. The Staff that are working on-site are working alone. The only ones working are the Facilities group and Security.
Ask how they feel.
We no longer let the staff meet in the morning around the time clock, we send them directly to their job site and give them assignment remotely. We are constantly checking on the staff and making sure they are healthy prior to reporting to work. We have asked many of them that vulnerable to stay home questionnaire based on Canada health guidelines.
They report to our Student Health facility and are met in the parking lot. Medical personnel take temperatures prior to allowing them to clock in.
Temperature checks prior to coming to work.
Staff get sent home if showing sumptuous: fever, tiredness, cough.
Temperature and asking a few COVID-19 symptom related questions.
Infrared thermometer.
Limiting the number needed to accomplish task. Requiring PPE.
Temperature checks.
I’m not a medical professional, so I ask how is everyone, and reminding them that if they feel sick, to stay home.
This is self screening to this point. No one who is ill, for any reason, is to report to work. Mandatory self isolation takes recent travelers or those exposed to known cases out of the workplace.
Self screening.
Thermometer. Transporting from remote location to campus in shuttle with only three to a bus. Questions concerning travels.
We either have a temperature sensor individuals walk through or we have a staff member taking each individual’s temperature and asking a series of questions.
Whomever is unlocking the buildings or spaces is checking to see if the contractor / staff / etc. is sick or not. Anyone with symptoms would be turned away.
Questionnaires via nursing student in some key facilities. Mandatory temp checks in other critical buildings. Nothing in residence halls.