AUDE – Association of University Directors of Estates
AUDE’s members manage all aspects of managing, planning, constructing, and maintaining all types of accommodation for higher education Institutions in the United Kingdom. Though arrangements vary between institutions, most Directors of Estates are also involved in managing a wider range of services including cleaning, security, grounds maintenance, space planning and management, car parking and traffic, and, in some institutions, services such as catering, conference and sports facilities, insurance, furniture and equipment, and printing.

HEFMA – The Higher Education Facilities Management Association of Southern Africa
The Higher Education Facility Management Association of Southern Africa was developed from TIMCON: The Tertiary Institutes Maintenance Conference, which was established to serve as an annual forum for the mutual discussion and education of Maintenance and Facility Managers at the higher education institutions in Southern Africa. The need to develop this organization to a more permanent association for the benefit of the Facility Managers of the higher education institutions of the Southern African countries led to the establishment of HEFMA in 2000.

TEFMA – Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association
The Australasian Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA) was established in October 2003 as an independent association of facilities managers operating in the tertiary education sector of Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Singapore. TEFMA assists facilities managers in universities, colleges, and other educational institutions in the Asia-Pacific region by promoting excellence in the planning, construction, maintenance, operations, and administration of educational facilities.