CFaR Background
The Center for Facilities Research (CFaR) was established in 2002 by APPA to organize and consolidate research in educational facilities management. APPA promotes leadership in educational facilities for professionals seeking to build their careers, transform their institutions, and evaluate the value and recognition of facilities in education. APPA provides its members the opportunity to explore trends, issues, and best practices in educational facilities through research, publications, professional development, and credentialing.

APPA has discontinued the solicitation of new CFaR projects.
All past CFaR projects are accessible from the links below.
CFaR Mission
The mission of CFaR is to advance the body of knowledge of facilities management through research, discovery, and innovation. To accomplish this mission, CFaR projects have contributed to the body of knowledge and literature related to educational facilities.
CFaR Audience
Strategic connections between effective planning and facilities management may not always be obvious. The more that institutional administrators, Boards of Trustees or Regents, and legislators understand these links, the easier it will be to justify resources, make changes in modernization and renewal funding formulas, and develop consistent design and energy management standards in the areas of facilities and management.
The primary audiences for CFaR engagement are assistant/associate vice presidents for facilities, allied associations, as well as directors, managers, first-level supervisors, and front-line employees involved in facilities issues. Intended audiences also include other administrative areas within the college, university, or school environment such as the business office, information technology, environmental health and safety, state governing bodies, regulatory agencies, foundations, and federal agencies.