APPA Business Partner Whitepaper Series

Why choose indirect lighting to illuminate spaces for all indoor sports?
Parameters: First, you must have a clean white ceiling (16 feet to 100 feet tall) to use indirect LED lighting efficiently because it reflects the light back down to the floor. If the ceiling is not white you can consider painting or installing a reflective White Fiberglass Insulation System.
Benefits: Indirect LED lighting provides perfectly even light throughout the facility and on the playing surface by being reflected off the white ceiling. Indirect LED lighting is a non-glare light making it the ultimate type for any indoor sport.
With direct light you can lose the ball in the light when looking up and the glare on the floor is distracting when looking down. For aquatics areas, the glare from direct lights can be dangerous as it reflects off the water’s surface and can prevent you from seeing the bottom of the pool.
Indirect LED lighting is aesthetically pleasing to players and spectators. Visibility is improved by having an evenly lit facility and eliminating glare. Safety is increased as the reflection from direct lighting causes accidents.
Best Lights has been perfecting the art of indirect lighting for over 30 years.
About Best Lights
Best Lights ( manufactures the brightest, highest quality and longest lasting Indirect light fixtures for indoor sporting facilities in the USA. Our latest DISC LED Indirect technology achieves higher light levels using fewer watts. Our Bluetooth Lighting Controls save thousands of additional dollars in electrical costs while providing a range from recreational to professional light levels with a touch of a button. Best Lights are installed in Indoor Tennis, Pickleball, Basketball, Volleyball, Gyms, Pools, Soccer, Fieldhouses and Hockey arenas worldwide. We are experts in lighting facilities indirectly and directly. For more information contact Gary Yurich [email protected]
Posted August 12, 2024
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