The facilities profession is constantly changing; it is critical to keep abreast of current trends, technological advancements, best practices and methods to reduce costs and improve operations on campus.
As a CEFP recipient, you have taken the first important step of demonstrating your competence in your field. You have earned the right to use our trademarked acronym, CEFP, with your name. C.E.F.P. are not just letters after your name; they are a recognized sign of professional excellence.
As important as earning your certification, the next step is equally important: Recertification.
Recertification Requirements
CEFP holders are required to earn 120 points within a four-year cycle. All points are due four years from the day/month/year certification was earned, or four years from the day/month/year last recertified. For instance, if you passed your exam on March 12, 2015, your CEFP certification would expire March 11, 2019. If you recertified on September 4, 2013, your CEFP certification would expire September 3, 2017.
Periodic email reminders will be sent to remind CEFP holders to enter points and to renew in a timely manner. However, it is the individual’s responsibility to make note of their recertification due date, which is located in their account. Keeping APPA informed of any changes with name, company, address, and email fall solely on the CEFP holder.
Retired CEFP Holders
Retired CEFP holders are not required to earn points to renew their credential but they still have requirements to meet. Retirees or soon to retire CEFP holders who wish to renew their CEFP must submit a letter on company letterhead with their name and date of retirement signed by the human resources department or department chair. This must be done PRIOR TO the expiration date of the CEFP credential and there is no fee for the renewal for retirees.
Email [email protected] prior to the end of the 4 year cycle requesting recertification renewal for another 4 year term and attach the company letter as proof of retiremen
Why Recertify?
Recertification validates your commitment to the profession, lifelong competency and professional development. When you recertify, you ensure your peers, employer and the public continue to see that you are dedicated to the profession and committed to the gold standards that the CEFP represents.
In order to maintain your hard-earned credential, we require that you re-certify every four (4) years by demonstrating that you have gained additional knowledge. There are many ways you can do this. We have outlined some of the activities that qualify here, on the Qualifying Activities page.
IMPORTANT: If you do not renew your CEFP before your renewal date, your certification will expire and you will lose the right to use CEFP after your name. We will remove your name from our website listing, and you will have to purchase the course again and pass the exam to retain the CEFP credential.
We have created a few easy to use templates for you to assist with your recertification process. Use the link found HERE.
How to Recertify?
The CEFP credential must be maintained by earning a combination of 120 points from four (4) categories including Employment, Education, Leadership and Research/Publication. A minimum of 40 points must be earned from the Educational category. The renewal fee is $350.00.
To access your account, simply sign into your myAPPA account. Then click myAPPA, then click on myCertification, then CEFP Recertification. From there you will need to select ‘Create New Collection’ to begin or click on ‘Details’ to access your existing account.
For questions or inquiries: Contact Certification