APPA is the gathering place for educational facilities professionals, dedicated to the ongoing evolution of the profession.

APPA’s rich history stems from its founding in Chicago in 1914 by representatives from 14 Midwestern higher education institutions.
APPA’s name may have changed over the past century, but our mission remains: “To support educational excellence with quality leadership and professional management through education, research and recognition.” APPA continues to cultivate community and collaboration that drive results. Our community firmly aligns with the principles and values of integrity, honesty, respect, fairness, patience, nurturance, encouragement, growth and development, service, quality, and collaboration.

APPA represents more than 17,000 educational facilities professionals from over 1,200 learning institutions worldwide. APPA’s community represents the broadest coalition of educational facilities professionals possible, ensuring a diversity of experiences and situations, and availability of best practices. Our members also include other nonprofits, libraries, museums, and industry partners. Join today!

Today, APPA’s Visionary Strategic Framework vision of Preparing for Every Future helps the association build on its core strengths in professional development and community to become the premier continuous learning provider for our profession.