APPA members recently gathered in Denver, Colorado – the Mile High City – July 15-17 to mark another successful conference full of networking opportunities with colleagues new and old, dozens of educational sessions, and a vibrant Hall of Resources exhibiting the latest products and services from APPA’s Business Partners. Nearly 200 of our attendees were first-timers. Past APPA President Chris Kopach installed the new 2019-20 Board of Directors, including new APPA President Ruthann Manlet, University of Minnesota Twin Cities.
To learn more about the APPA 2019 conference, read the conference recap and watch a short video of conference highlights.
Access the conference presentation slides here.
Browse the conference photos here.
Read a message to members from President Ruthann Manlet.
[Photo caption – APPA 2019-20 Board of Directors. Front row, l-r: David Handwork, David Smith, Nina Wollman, Beth Clark, Dan Wooten, Arthur Walsh, Jessica Abbott, Steve Gilsdorf, and Winnie Kwofie. Back row, l-r: Tony Guerrero, Wayne Clark, Luis Rocha, Immediate Past President Don Guckert, President Ruthann Manlet, President-Elect Jim Jackson, Jim Bogan, Barry Mielke, and Ian Hadden. Not pictured: Bob Andrews, Dan Bollman, Angela Meyer, and Lander Medlin, ex-officio.