APPA has created a new BOK Videos playlist on our YouTube channel (APPALeadership) and posted 18 short videos on a variety of topics of interest to educational facilities professionals.
The purpose of the BOK Videos is to provide short, elevator-speech introductions to topics or themes related to BOK (Body of Knowledge) content, material presented at APPA’s training programs, and/or current topics in educational facilities.
The APPA Body of Knowledge consists of more than 60 chapters on topics related to APPA’s four core areas: General Administration & Management; Operations & Maintenance; Energy, Utilities & Sustainability; and Planning, Design & Construction. The BOK serves as the primary resource for those earning APPA’s Certified Educational Facilities Professional (CEFP) credential.
The current BOK Videos playlist includes the following topics. You can watch each one individually or play all using the Shuffle feature.
- APPA 1000 Total Cost of Ownership, with Deke Smith, DKS Consulting
- APPA’s Body of Knowledge (intro), with Jeff Gee, Swinerton Management and Consulting
- APPA’s Body of Knowledge (intro), with Steve Thweatt, University of Colorado Boulder, ret.
- Building Campus Connections, with Mike Carmagnola, University of Texas Austin
- Dealing with Difficult People, with Lynne Finn, University of Iowa
- Embracing Change, with Don Guckert, APPA Fellow & Past APPA President, University of Iowa, ret.
- Emerging Technologies, with John Cook, NV5
- Energy and Utilities, with Lynne Finn, University of Iowa
- Energy Units, with Bill Nelson, GLHN Architects & Engineers
- Framework for Innovation, with John Cook, NV5
- Generations in the Workplace, with Jamie Gayer, Indiana University
- Hiring and Retaining Good Employees, with Mark Stanis, University of Virginia
- Managing Ethically, with Lander Medlin, APPA
- Med-Ed Facilities, with Mary Vosevich, Past APPA President, University of Kentucky
- Public-Private Partnerships, with Brent Garrett, Ohio State University
- Professional Development, with Lander Medlin, APPA
- Risk Management, with Steve Kraal, University of Texas Austin, ret.
- Smart Buildings and Smart Campuses, with Lalit Agarwal, University of Nebraska Lincoln
- And more to come
Visit the BOK Videos playlist for these informative presentations. We look forward to adding more short videos in the future and to covering a continued variety of topics and themes.
Coming in Jan/Feb 2021
- Continuing Professional Development in a Pandemic
- Mental Cross Training