Save the Date!
APPA’s 2021 Virtual Facilities Summit
July 20-22, 2021
Join your colleagues July 20-22 for the APPA 2021 Virtual Facilities Summit as we explore the environment we dedicate our profession to and recharge ourselves to the mission of our institutions.
Have You Downloaded APPA365 Yet?
- Share in real-time discussions
- Easily reach out to other members
- Easily find and contact vendors
- Receive timely notifications
APPA’s APPA365 app is available for iPhone and Android users to download. The ad-free app was developed in response to analysis of APPA’s website usage. “Our careful analysis of what our members were looking for online led us to develop this resource,” explains Lander Medlin, APPA’s executive vice president. “We tracked the areas of our website that our members visited most often; given how busy facilities managers are today, we decided to put that information in an easily accessible format for them. Whether they’re somewhere on campus or in a meeting in the office, APPA365 is easy to access — anytime, anywhere.”
A key feature of the app is APPAexch. This feature offers a searchable compendium of peer-to-peer sharing of expertise in the format of a quick response discussion list. “We’re excited that our members will be able to interact with their colleagues throughout APPA,” says Medlin. “We all have experiences we can share, and we have seen how vital this is during a pandemic. A member can post a question, and people can immediately respond via the app — no matter where they are.”
Other features include a searchable membership directory, access to Job Express, the BOK, and Facilities Manager, and a Buyers Guide of products and services from APPA’s Business Partner members.
APPA365 is available for download through the Apple app store and the Google Play Store.
New Publication from the APPA Bookstore:
Deploying Disruptive Technologies with a Disruptive Approach to Leadership
APPA’s newest publication proposes that one of the keys to managing disruption is to invest in the organization’s culture of work, as well as in the technologies required for progressive change.
In this digital publication filled with links, videos, and podcasts, authors Adam Lawver and Sean O’Connor explain how to develop a community of leaders at all levels—leaders capable of planning, of reacting quickly and flexibly, and of promoting operational excellence to match an accelerating pace of disruptive change. This approach differs from conventional leadership by recognizing the importance of empowering all employees at every level to provide some degree of leadership. This requires an agreement between supervisors and workforce subordinates to operate on the basis of mutual trust, building relationships geared to maximize everyone’s individual strengths.
Learn more about the new monograph, and order it today!
APPA’s FPI 2.0 Survey is Open! Also Newly Opened: APPA’s Key Facilities Metrics Survey
APPA’s 2019-20 Facilities Performance Indicators (FPI) survey is now open and ready to collect your facilities-related data. The streamlined survey showcases the new look and feel of FPI 2.0 and will allow our FPI participants much greater ease of data entry.
Assess… Measure… Then Lead with Your FPI 2.0 Strategy for Success
Measuring and monitoring performance identifies problems, informs the planning of future activities, and identifies areas of excellence to be celebrated. Performance metrics are most useful when they align with operational and institutional goals. Metrics should focus on a handful of key metrics as opposed to dozens of unrelated data points.
APPA’s newest dashboards will allow our members to make better, more data-driven decisions without an intermediary serving as their interpreter. It’s your data, and now you have myriad ways to see and understand it that will allow you to take control of facilities, have a seat at the decision-making table, and make the case for change without guesswork for staffing and operations, capital renewal and modernization, and employee/customer success. By showing present-day performance in the context of goals and historical trending, participants will be able to generate insights and best practices that drive action and guidance for next steps on their unique institutional journey of continuous improvement.
Key Facilities Metrics (KFM) Survey is Back!
After suspending the APPA/NACUBO KFM Survey in 2020 due to the pandemic, APPA is pleased to announce that we have revived the survey and are collecting data for the 2019-20 fiscal year. Learn more about the KFM survey and report here.
Since 2013, APPA and NACUBO (the National Association of College and University Business Officers) have collaborated to raise consciousness over several basic key facilities metrics. Our goal is for campus finance and facilities professionals to be in alignment on a handful of important annual consumption metrics:
- Energy (BTU),
- Electrical,
- Water,
- Waste stream output, and
- Carbon footprint
The deadline for both the FPI and KFM surveys is June 30, 2021. If you have any questions regarding the surveys or wish to register to participate, contact APPA’s Christina Hills at [email protected].
Facilities Manager Magazine Authors Needed!
Your Contribution is What We Are Looking For—Don’t be Shy!
APPA is searching for (both) seasoned and budding authors with knowledge of educational facilities and a desire to share their expertise with fellow members by writing a column or feature for APPA’s Facilities Manager magazine.
Your experience and expertise can assist others in the field who can benefit from your knowledge, insights, suggestions, and alternate ways of handling issues at your institutions.
You Won’t Do It Alone
A support network is in place to assist writers interested in publishing a column or a feature in Facilities Manager. Articles undergo editing and are formatted for posting online. Additionally, we provide Editorial Guidelines and an Editorial Calendar for your assistance, as well as direct contact with the magazine’s editorial staff. It is a great way to share your expertise in the field and be published.
Your fellow facilities professionals are waiting to hear from you!
Keep Your APPA Contact Information Up to Date
Please help APPA ensure that you continue to receive the most relevant industry information in an efficient manner.
It will take no more than a minute to check your membership profile on myAPPA to confirm or update your contact information.
Should you need assistance, please contact [email protected] or call 703-542-3823.
To share an event or news item, send detailed information for consideration. This information will be used based on available space and relevance to our readership. To contribute, contact [email protected].
See all Digests.