APPA comprises six regions: CAPPA, ERAPPA, MAPPA, PCAPPA, RMA, and SRAPPA. Each region holds an annual meeting in the fall that provides institutional members with professional development opportunities and business partners a chance to engage with members on various levels. Following are conference reports from each region. Learn more about APPA’s regions and chapters.
CAPPA—Central Region
By Luis Morales
CAPPA President
The University of Texas at El Paso

Luis Morales, CAPPA President
The 2024 CAPPA/MAPPA joint conference in St. Louis was hugely successful, and we’ve received many compliments on it—from the service at the Union Station Hotel, the educational sessions, the conference outings, and the business partner opportunities.
There was a massive effort to plan and execute this conference. We had some outstanding facilities folks from CAPPA and MAPPA to lead us through it all. They exemplified what we want APPA to be by helping each other collaborate and sharing their knowledge and experience to meet our common goals. From the beginning of the planning stage of the conference almost a year ago, those service-minded individuals from institutions and business partners worked together to produce a valuable, positive, and memorable experience for all who attended. The result was an outstanding conference that exceeded all expectations and, as a bonus, came in a little in the black.

Left: Breakfast and Keynote (Nathan Whitaker; Right: Educational Session (Marissa Pierson from OU)
All conference attendees had the opportunity to meet and have meaningful conversations with the new APPA President and CEO, Lalit Agarwal, who made himself available for private conversations with anyone who wanted to give him feedback and ideas.
The CAPPA/MAPPA conference in St. Louis brought us together as an industry in an era of great challenges. Through sharing common problems and collaborating to find solutions, we are all better. We discovered that the power of having diverse backgrounds and opinions can be utilized in a positive way. We reinforced that we all have a passion for serving our clients, our universities, our companies, and especially each other.
Thank you all for coming together to make this conference great!

CAPPA/MAPPA Joint Conference St. Louis
President: Luis Morales (The University of Texas at El Paso)
President-Elect: David Hall (Missouri State University)
Secretary: Cole Pruitt (Missouri State University)
Treasurer: Lisa Mueller (South Dakota State)
To view CAPPA’s website, please go to
2025 CAPPA REGIONAL CONFERENCE: Norman, OK • September 15–17, 2025
ERAPPA—Eastern Region
By Greg Clayton
ERAPPA President
University of Prince Edward Island

Opening of The Hall of Resources.
The 2024 ERAPPA Annual Fall Meeting was held in Valley Forge, PA, from September 29th to October 2nd. Lead to Inspire was the theme and was embraced by conference co-chairs Leslie K. Whitby and Amber Donato, as they led and inspired the organizing committee to provide an excellent annual meeting initially planned for 2021, but delayed to 2024 due to COVID.
The event began with the FTA reception, which welcomed 232 first-time attendees, followed by the opening of the Hall of Resources (featuring 101 business partner booths). Delegates then chose from 25 educational sessions presented by institutional members and business partners. Themes in the sessions included Achieving Efficiency, Savings, and Investment, Organizational Leadership, Planning for the Future, Sustainability & Innovation, and Transformational Leadership.
The conference concluded with the awards banquet and installation of the 2024–2025 ERAPPA Board of Directors, providing the 73rd Annual ERAPPA Conference attendees with excellent educational programming and networking opportunities, empowering our members to achieve their goals, and providing great memories. A key conference highlight included an inspiring and entertaining keynote speaker, Grace Killelea, who focused on developing individual and team leadership skills, and shared an amusing story about skydiving!

ERAPPA Board of Directors.
At the awards banquet, outgoing ERAPPA President Patty Smith acknowledged the many volunteers who served in various roles with certificates of appreciation. Crystal awards for ERAPPA award winners included Chapter Champions and Rising Stars. APPA’s President & CEO, Lalit Agarwal, was in attendance and presented Kevin Simpson from the University of New Brunswick with APPA’s Pacesetter Award.
ERAPPA’s most prestigious award, the Norman H. Bedell Award, was proudly presented to Michelle Frederick, who has tirelessly served her local chapter, region, and APPA for decades. Andy Feick presented our newly named Lander Medlin education scholarships to eight recipients that can be used to attend a future APPA educational program offering.
Keith Woodward served as Master of Ceremonies for the banquet, while outgoing Past President Sheri Vucci installed the new ERAPPA Board of Directors.
President: Greg Clayton (University of Prince Edward Island)
President-Elect: Mary Grube (St. Mary’s College of Maryland)
Secretary: Earl Farrell (Montclair State University)
Treasurer: Mike Dixon (University of Delaware)

ERAPPA First-Time Attendees at Valley Forge, PA.
To view ERAPPA’s website and find a complete board of directors listing, please go to
2025 ERAPPA REGIONAL CONFERENCE: Atlantic City, NJ • September 28–October 1, 2025
MAPPA—Midwest Region
By Nicole Corll
MAPPA President
Kent State University

Nicole Corll, MAPPA President
The recent 2024 MAPPA/CAPPA joint conference in St. Louis, MO, was a resounding success, featuring strong attendance from membership and business partners.
By “Arching Forward,” attendees participated in various educational sessions that fostered collaboration among facilities management professionals. Everyone enjoyed the various networking opportunities and gained valuable insights from one another.
The event began with welcoming our business partners and allowing them to see live demonstrations of products and services to aid in successful facilities management. Attendees chose from 30 educational breakout sessions, and some attendees participated in APPA’s Academy on Campus. This event was well-supported by APPA leadership, and we enjoyed APPA President & CEO Lalit Agarwal’s opening comments and contributions to the conference.

Left: MAPPA Board Meeting: Kayla McConville, Nicole Corll, Dan Ridgway and Ally Kosur; Right: UW-Madison Presentation: “Safety, Technical and People Skills Development” presented by Kayla McConville, Jacy Whitehead and Lorraine Schwager.

St. Louis Arch: View from evening event.
Keynote speaker Nathen Whitaker inspired the attendees with his presentation on “Arching Forward Leadership.” His experience as an athlete and career with sports teams gave everyone a fresh outlook on the importance of leadership.
A highlight of the conference was a nighttime visit to the Gateway Arch, which offers a stunning overview of the city. Those who could attend enjoyed a private party with access to the top of the arch and museum of history and culture, delicious hors d’oeuvres, lively conversations, and an overall fun experience!
President: Nicole Corll (Kent State University)
Vice President: Jeremy Johnston (John Carroll University)
Secretary: Daniel Ridgway (Kent State University)
Treasurer: James Klaiber
To view MAPPA’s website and find a complete board of directors listing, please go to
2025 MAPPA Regional Conference: Milwaukee, WI • September 21–24, 2025
PCAPPA—Pacific Coast Region
By Dr. Ayodele Akinola
2023–2024 PCAPPA President
Truckee Meadows Community College

Dr. Ayodele Akinola, PCAPPA President 2023-2024
The PCAPPA 2024 Conference, held October 21–23 in Spokane, WA, provided facilities management professionals with opportunities to exchange knowledge, foster collaboration, and drive professional growth.
This year’s conference emphasized sustainability, technology, and workforce development while providing unique networking and learning experiences. The keynote address by International Tennis Hall of Fame Athlete and Author Roger Crawford focused on resilience, adaptability, and turning challenges into opportunities. Attendees also toured Spokane’s educational hubs, including WSU’s Health Sciences Campus and South Landing’s Catalyst Building.
Workshops addressed innovation and creativity in facilities management, such as sustainable campus improvements and UW Bothell’s waste management technology. Sessions on strategies and alignment explored generational diversity in recruitment and effective self-evaluation metrics, while collaborative workshops highlighted emergency response planning and creating unity among women in leadership roles.

Top: Conference Team Building and Vanessa Behan Charity Event. Center and Bottom: Conference Welcome Reception and Casino Night.
Several prestigious awards were presented at the conference:
- DEI Award for Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Awarded to Meghan Di Bello and the FS REDI Team from Simon Fraser University, recognizing their commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone is valued and empowered.
- Unsung Hero Award: Presented to Sean Townson from Oregon State University, honoring his extraordinary dedication and selflessness in serving his community through mentorship and advocacy without seeking recognition.
- Pacesetter Award: Presented to Phil Johnson from Washington State University, who sets a high standard for performance and professionalism, inspiring his colleagues with his work ethic and commitment to excellence.
- Anthony (Tony) Guerrero Distinguished Leadership Award: Presented to Kimberly Case-Nichols from Nevada Health and Bioscience Corporation, PCAPPA’s outgoing secretary/past president and interim conference chair. Kimberly exemplifies outstanding service and commitment, consistently going above and beyond to support PCAPPA’s mission and inspire others with her dedication.
- Presidential Appreciation Award: This award honors Dr. Ayodele Akinola, associate vice president at Truckee Meadows Community College and PCAPPA 2023–2024 president. It recognizes Dr. Akinola’s exceptional contributions to PCAPPA’s growth and success. His exemplary leadership, dedication, and collaborative spirit have positively impacted the organization and its members, advancing the association’s mission.
With strong attendance, sponsor engagement, and impactful presentations, PCAPPA 2024 underscored the importance of resilience, collaboration, and innovation in facilities management, laying a solid foundation for future events.
President: Kate Kamerrer (Washington State University)
Immediate Past President/Secretary: Dr. Ayodele Akinola (Truckee Meadows Community College)
President-Elect: Christopher McConnell (University of Alaska)
To view PCAPPA’s website and find a complete board of directors listing, please go to
2025 PCAPPA REGIONAL CONFERENCE: San Jose, CA • October 19–21, 2025
RMA—Rocky Mountain Region
By Jessica Bradley
Immediate Past President/Historian
University of Colorado—Boulder

John Herrera, RMA President
It was another successful and enlightening Rocky Mountain APPA annual conference held in September 2024 at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM.
The conference theme, “Live, Learn, and Grow,” was truly embraced by all 160 attendees, and over 18 business partners in attendance. RMA members participated in excursions and attended the welcome reception held at the Farm and Ranch Museum. The NMSU Mariachi/Folklorico dancers and the Proud Pete Jazz Ensemble provided exceptional entertainment that night. In addition to the conference, 28 members attended the Supervisor Toolkit training as well, which rounded out their week of learning and professional growth.
We had excellent breakout sessions and multiple NMSU campus tours overflowing with attendees. One of the fun parts of the campus tour was riding on the NMSU Facilities & Services trolley used in the NMSU homecoming parade and the annual Noche de Luminarias event. Our keynote speaker, Dr. Bill Mitchell, COO of MoreTalent Corporation, discussed managing change and how we, as leaders, should focus on what we can change without trying to change things outside our control. He also encouraged us to be flexible and adapt to change while staying positive and productive in our organizations.

Left: RMA Board of Directors; Right: APPA Supervisor’s Toolkit attendees.

White Sands Excursion.
Members were able to exchange ideas with one another throughout the conference and engage with our business partners through multiple networking opportunities. Attendees also enjoyed meeting and chatting with the new APPA President and CEO, Lalit Agarwal.
Thank you to our conference committee and business partners for making the RMA 2024 conference one of the best yet! The RMA Board is looking forward to another successful annual conference hosted by Montana State University in Bozeman, MT, from September 9–11, 2025.
President: John Herrera (Arizona State University-Tempe)
President-Elect: Vacant
Secretary/Treasurer: Tim Dobson (New Mexico State University)
To view RMA’s website and find a complete board of directors listing, please go to
2025 RMA REGIONAL CONFERENCE: Bozeman, MT • September 9–11, 2025
SRAPPA—Southeastern Region
By Solomon T. Franklin
SRAPPA Vice President
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Gregg Clark, SRAPPA President 2023-2024
SRAPPA Leads to Inspire!
At the 2024 SRAPPA Conference, “On Track and Moving Forward” held from October 27–31, 2024, in the historic city of Chattanooga, TN, participants received opportunities to increase their knowledge and discover innovative insights to create adaptable, sustainable, and forward-thinking facilities.
The conference opened with a session with APPA President & CEO, Lalit Agarwal, where he discussed the new goals and expectations for APPA, introduced the new APPA COO, Dave Ulmer, and encouraged feedback areas of process improvement. Plenary speaker Jane Jenkins Herlong, author, singer and professional humorist, gave an entertaining and inspirational speech entitled “Sweet Tea Secrets from the Deep-Fried South.” Jane discussed how to overcome obstacles with humor and grit and laughing through the chaos, finding a way to lead with grace. The conference concluded with the banquet awards dinner speaker, Jody Fuller, comic, speaker, writer, and soldier, to discuss how to embrace your uniqueness and make the best of bad situations.
There were 29 educational breakout classes for members to attend. The conference also provided opportunities for some attendees to participate in one-on-one sessions with APPA President, Lalit Agarwal and APPA COO, Dave Ulmer. Special spotlights throughout the conference promoted the SRAPPA Mentor-Mentee Program and the Women in Facilities initiatives. In addition, there were sessions for business partners, a session for first-time SRAPPA Conference attendees, tours of the Hunter Museum and Tennessee Aquarium, and a Southern Belle Dinner River Cruise. The meaningful connections made between business partners and attendees are a key component of the SRAPPA conference. SRAPPA is very grateful to our business partners and knows that their involvement makes the conference possible and creates a dynamic experience for those in attendance each year.
President: Jeffrey Benjamin (Tulane University)
Immediate Past President: Gregg Clarke (University of Florida)
President-Elect: Colin Sewell (University of Alabama)
Vice President: Solomon T. Franklin (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Treasurer: David Maharrey (Mississippi State University)
Vice President for Conferences: Tom Jones (Clemson University)
Vice President for Education: Priti Bhatia (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Vice President of Communications: VACANT
Vice President of Chapter Affairs: David Van Hook (Bartow County School System)
SRAPPA Director to APPA Board: Dan Whatley (Auburn University)
APPA Liaison: Anita Dosik (APPA Director of Publications)
To view SRAPPA’s website and find a complete listing of the board of directors, please go to
2025 SRAPPA REGIONAL CONFERENCE: Athens, GA • October 6–9, 2025