ERAPPA—Eastern Region
By Jessica Abbott
ERAPPA President
Wolcott Public Schools

Jessica Abbott
With so much uncertainty still on the horizon for what 2021 would look like when decisions needed to be made in January, the ERAPPA Board had decided to not move forward with an in-person conference in the fall. ERAPPA did hold a virtual Business/Annual Meeting on September 21, 2021, to reengage with our membership. Beth Clark and Michelle Frederick gave an informative and fun presentation on the lessons we can learn from nature and how they can relate to things we are experiencing in our lives, and led us through a guided meditation. Each of the ERAPPA Vice Presidents gave updates on initiatives their committees have been working on; Treasurer Phillip Melnick provided a financial report; and Past President Arthur Walsh summarized proposed bylaw changes that would be sent out for a virtual vote by the membership. We also recognized recipients of ERAPPA and APPA awards (listed below) and outgoing ERAPPA committee members from Chapter Affairs, Member & Community Engagement, Professional Development, and the Business Partner Committees.
In June 2021, the ERAPPA Board met for our annual two-day summer board meeting. We were thrilled to be able to have a hybrid meeting where half of us gathered in Philadelphia and the others attended virtually. We found ourselves revitalized and reenergized and ready to share that energy with ERAPPA members as we began looking ahead to 2022. We plan to have an in-person Mid-Year Meeting at the end of March and move forward with an in-person Annual Meeting in the fall.

Partial ERAPPA Board Reunion in June 2021.
The ERAPPA 2022 conference will be held September 18-21, 2022 in Verona, New York—visit www.erappa2022.org to learn more!
Chapter Champion Award:
Leslie Whitby (Stantec), DVAPPA
John O’Shaughnessy (St. Paul’s School), NNECERAPPA
Hilda Andrade (University of Toronto), OAPPA
Emeritus Status:
Pete Buchheit (University of Pittsburgh at Bradford)
John Cannon (College of the Holy Cross)
APPA Fellow:
J. Thomas Becker, P.E., CEFP, Thomas Jefferson University
President—Jessica Abbott, Wolcott Public Schools
President-Elect—Sheri Vucci, Smithsonian Institution
Secretary—Jonathan Terry, Quinnipiac University
Treasurer—Phillip Melnick, Penn State University
ERAPPA Director to APPA Board—Jessica Abbott, Wolcott Public Schools
APPA Liaison—Lander Medlin
To view ERAPPA’s website and find a complete listing of the board of directors, please go to https://www.erappa.org/board/.
2022 CONFERENCE: September 18-21 •⋅ Verona, New York

Flashback to Scavenger Hunt Fun and Spelling Out ERAPPA at the 2019 Mid-Year Meeting.
SRAPPA—Southeastern Region
By Dan Whatley
SRAPPA President
Auburn University
SRAPPA’s 2021 conference, “Soaring to the Future, Building on History,” in Mobile, Alabama, was the perfect way to bring the region back together following a one-year hiatus due to the pandemic. The city of Mobile, and specifically the Mobile Convention Center, proved to be an excellent host location with large spaces and friendly staff. Mixed in with all of the educational opportunities provided by the conference were opportunities for the attendees to play golf, have a boat tour of Mobile Bay, visit the Airbus Final Assembly Plant and the Mobile Cathedral Basilica, and even enjoy a dinner excursion to Mobile’s Battleship Memorial Park, home of the USS Alabama.
Attendees were engaged by keynote speaker Paul Krismer, who spoke on “Whole Person Happiness,” as well as retired US Air Force F-16 pilot Rob Shallenberger, who gave the keynote address on “Becoming Your Best.” There were 32 educational breakout classes for members to attend, with topic categories of “Leadership,” Repair & Renovation,” “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” and “Technology & Training.” The educational opportunities of the conference are always a big draw, and this year’s presenters provided excellent material for all in attendance.
It was fantastic to see members networking with business partners and colleagues whom they had not seen in over a year. The activities in the exhibit hall were engaging and allowed members to connect with business partners who could help with their needs. From the Saturday night tailgate in the Mardi Gras Café to Monday’s door-prize sessions, the exhibit hall was a favorite this year. SRAPPA remains extremely grateful to our business partners and knows that without their support, events like these would not be possible.
Following the installation of incoming officers by former APPA president Randolph Hare, outgoing president Mike Steger, Berkeley Preparatory School (Tampa, Florida), spoke on the successes achieved during an extraordinarily challenging year before passing the reins to incoming SRAPPA President Dan Whatley of Auburn University. Mike presented the President’s Award to SRAPPA HBCU Liaison Randolph Hare for his exemplary work leading the Barriers to Participation Committee, and the Unsung Heroes Award to Anna Kluttz of TigerGrafiks, LLC, for her support of SRAAPA’s annual conference. He also recognized outgoing board members Immediate Past President Bill Moulton, VP for Communications Katie McFarland, and SRAPPA Young Professionals Liaison Chris Charnegie for their dedication and years of service.
President—Dan Whatley, Auburn University
President-Elect—Rosalba Ledezma, Virginia Tech
Treasurer—David Maharrey, Mississippi State University
VP of Communications—Vacant
SRAPPA Director to APPA Board—David Smith, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
APPA Liaison—Steve Glazner
To view SRAPPA’s website and find a complete listing of the board of directors, please go to http://srappa.org.
2022 CONFERENCE: October 1-4, 2022 • Tampa, Florida
MAPPA—Midwest Region
By Jeremy P. Johnson
MAPPA Communications Chair
Cleveland State University

Jack Mumma, MAPPA President
Maintain and build for the future–this is what each of us does every day. And this year, we did it through a continuing global pandemic, the Great Resignation, and a supply chain crisis. Yet, through all the challenges, we have steeled our will and overcame great difficulties. We have adapted and learned the lessons of our time. We have maintained… and we will build a bright, new future.
In mid-October of 2021, MAPPA partnered with PCAPPA to present “Re-adapt…Re-define…Re-engage,” a joint virtual summit that provided superb online content to attendees. The cost for members was only $49, making this online conference a fantastic deal. Some of the highlights were the speed networking program and the on-demand educational content that was provided in addition to live content. From MAPPA’s side, Michelle Holstege led the way on this conference, with critical support provided by Nicole Corll, Jack Mumma, and Brandon Dugan.
In 2021, MAPPA recommitted itself to diversity and inclusion. Under the excellent leadership of Becky Barnes, a D&I committee was formed. The committee reached out to other regions and reviewed best practices for D&I. Recommendations from this committee are being implemented into MAPPA’s bylaws and MAPPA’s ongoing practices.
Several board members left the Midwest region or left the profession during the widespread professional upheaval of 2021 that hit all sectors of employment. Presently, several board committee chairs are doing double duty, and we are actively seeking interested board applicants.
We have recently elected new board officers, and the Presidency of MAPPA has passed from George Hakim to Jack Mumma. A special thanks to George for his strong leadership of MAPPA through a particularly challenging time, and for serving a two-year term, providing continuity during the pandemic.
President—Jack Mumma, Michigan State University
President-Elect—Jeremiah Swetel, John Carroll University
Treasurer—Jim Klaiber, Oberlin College
MAPPA Director to APPA Board—Steve Gilsdorf, Wayne State University
APPA Liaison—Christina Hills
To view MAPPA’s website and find a complete listing of the board of directors, please go to http://mappa.appa.org.
2022 CONFERENCE: Joint with MiAPPA, Grand Rapids, Michigan • Date TBA
CAPPA—Central Region
By Sheila Awalt
CAPPA First Vice President
University of Texas at El Paso

Sheila Awalt, CAPPA First Vice President
The 2021 CAPPA Annual Conference was held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, October 10-12. Our theme for 2021 was “Shared Resilience—Connect. Inspire. Unite.” There were 264 attendees; 27 educational sessions were presented covering a gamut of facilities management topics; and the Academy on Campus and the Supervisor’s Toolkit hosted 20 participants each.
This year’s conference began with Committee and Executive Board meetings on Saturday. Sunday included a golf scramble at GolfSuites Tulsa for both pros and amateurs alike.
The First-Timers Reception hosted 140 attendees. The Exhibit Hall opened to attendees and the evening wrapped up with a sports watch party at Dave & Buster’s hosted by the IMEG Corporation.
The Exhibit Hall housed 116 Business Partners representing 65 businesses. Our Business Partners sponsored many of our special activities and shared pertinent information for the benefit of our CAPPA Region facilities administrators.
CAPPA President Markus Hogue welcomed attendees to the conference Monday morning and introduced Lorinda Schrammel as our keynote speaker, sharing the logic of the “Cowboy Ethic.” Monday night concluded with fun and games at GolfSuites Tulsa.
Tuesday morning began with the CAPPA business meeting and a round-robin campus tour of Oklahoma State University.
The conference closed with the Awards Banquet and the installation of new officers by APPA Immediate Past President Jim Jackson followed with entertainment by hypnotist Michael Mayo.

CAPPA 2021 Board of Directors. Photo credit: Miles Abernathy

Attendees at CAPPA’s Regional Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Photo credit: Miles Abernathy
CAPPA Meritorious Service Award:
Debra Jones, Schneider Electric
CAPPA Distinguished Member Award:
Randy Culver, Black Hills State University
CAPPA President’s Awards:
Virginia Smith, University of Texas at Dallas
Angie Mitchell, Southeast Missouri State University
CAPPA Newsletter Awards:
Lalit Agarwal, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
“Reopening Campuses Safely and Lessons Learned from Lockdown”
Isaac Anderson, West Plains Engineering
“The Proof is in the Performance: Giving Fresh Life to SDSU’s Wagner Hall”
President—Sheila Awalt, University of Texas at El Paso
First Vice President—Brian Lasey, Arkansas Tech University
Treasurer—Jennifer Kindt, South Dakota State University
CAPPA Director to APPA Board—Angela Meyer, Southeast Missouri State University
APPA Liaison—Christina Hills
To view CAPPA’s website and find a complete listing of the board of directors, please go to https://www.cappaedu.org.
2022 CONFERENCE: October 8-11 • Lincoln, Nebraska
RMA—Rocky Mountain Region
By Timothy P. Dobson, CEFP
RMA President
New Mexico State University

Timothy Dobson, RMA President 2021. Photo credit: Josh Bachman, NMSU news and media relations
Hello from the Rocky Mountain Region. 2021 was an action-packed year for us as we continued filling our vacant Board positions and delivering a virtual conference. Giving back to our members was the motto for the year. RMA provided the opportunity for all members to attend the APPA Facilities Summit in November as well as attending our virtual conference in December. RMA covered our member’s registration costs for both events.
Our conference was held December 7-9, 2021. We had 63 members register for the event and our average attendance per session was 25 people. Lander Medlin and Dave Irvin provided messages on the direction of APPA. Our members were able to participate in six informational sessions. The presentations were recorded and will be posted on our website for future viewing by the members.
RMA is committed to conducting an in-person conference in 2022. The 2020 conference was scheduled for Salt Lake City, and we are working to return to Salt Lake City in September 2022. MJ Thompson and her host committee at Salt Lake City Community College had prepared a great event that we had to cancel. Returning to Salt Lake City made sense as are transitioning from MJ’s team stopping point to complete the conference. RMA is contacting our previous contract holders to reset our event. The theme for the 2020 conference was “Envision the Future.” The theme for 2022 is “Envision the Future, The Great Reset.”
APPA has restructured the Board and RMA is reviewing the current Board structure to establish what works best. This is still a work in progress and we expect to see our new Board structure in the Spring. The current slate of officers for RMA are:
President—Tim Dobson, New Mexico State University
President-Elect—John Gleason, University of Colorado Boulder
Secretary—Wim Chalmet, University of Lethbridge
Treasurer—Marie Wells, Brigham Young University Idaho
RMA Director to APPA Board—Luis Rocha, University of Arizona
APPA Liaison—Kristin Witters
To view RMA’s website and find a complete listing of the board of directors, please go to http://rma.appa.org.
2022 Conference: September 2022 • Salt Lake City, Utah
PCAPPA—Pacific Coast Region
By Nicole Sanderson
PCAPPA President
University of Washington Bothell Campus

Nicole Sanderson, PCAPPA President. Photo credit: Cham Kao
2021 was another whirlwind year for us as a region as well as for all of us individually and for our respective institutions. Nevertheless, as a board we were able to focus in and commit to each other and our region and have another successful year. Our PCAPPA board is truly stronger than ever.
This year, we expanded our monthly board meetings to include representation from both of our chapters, BayAPPA and NWAPPA. The collaboration and support have increased substantially due to this change, and we have appreciated the extra communication and assistance. Our SoCal Chapter continues to build steam toward becoming a full-fledged chapter, and we’re looking forward to supporting our members in Southern California with the chapter in 2022.
Our social media team continued to do amazing work. A highlight was a social media campaign that they launched this year, which highlighted Business Partners and the work that they are doing to support institutions across our region.
We also successfully launched a monthly webinar series that allowed members to learn from our Business Partners as well as their peers. We covered topics such as space management, emergency response, and air-quality standards in light of COVID-19. We are planning to continue these webinars in 2022 as we begin planning for an in-person conference in Portland in the fall.

The PCAPPA Board at their virtual swearing in ceremony in October 2021. Photo credit: Kristin Witters
President—Nicole Sanderson, University of Washington Bothell
President-Elect/Chair, Membership—Kim Case Nichols, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Treasurer—Kate Kamerrer, Washington State University
PCAPPA Director to APPA Board—Eric Johnson, University of Southern California
APPA Liaison—Kristin Witters
To view PCAPPA’s website and find a complete listing of the board of directors, please go to http://www.pcappa.org.
2022 CONFERENCE: October 9-11 • Portland, Oregon