APPA Statement on the Attack on Capitol Hill
The United States was upended on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, with this brazen attack on the U.S. Capitol and on American democracy itself. It was indeed traumatic given the sustained revolt and terror from the riotous siege. We at APPA are shaken by and strongly condemn the violent revolt and tragic events that occurred. These acts do not represent the values or the spirit of the American people, or of our democracy. We must not let the chaos and unrest we all witnessed dim the promise of this new year.
James Baldwin said, “Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.” Let’s choose to face it by remembering what unites us, not what divides; to live up to the values we aspire to for all people; to love one another visibly, showing kindness, understanding and judging less; to create a healthier and more equitable community for all people. Hatred must not fuel our worst fears and concerns. Love, sacrifice, and service to others is the real work ahead.
Kicking Off 2021 with a Bang! APPA’s Facilities Symposium Set for January 25-27
APPA welcomes our membership back to a new year with cutting-edge programming, bringing high-quality, critical topical content that elevates our profession.
APPA’s Facilities Symposium (AFS), a 3-day virtual event, will take place January 25-27, 2021. The top quality and relevant sessions will showcase topics that focus on COVID-19, leadership, HVAC, finance, technology, the student of the future, asset management, the importance of data, and much more!
Within the framework of our new programming segment APPA Talks, we will feature guest speakers Jackson Nell, Brandon P. Fleming, and Mike Schlappi. Fleming has inspired millions worldwide, sharing his story as an at-risk youth and college dropout turned award-winning educator and Founder/CEO of the Harvard Diversity Project.
Our symposium is the perfect opportunity to obtain vital knowledge that will advance your career and your profession, while earning valuable continuing education credits.
Don’t delay! Sign up now!
APPA’s New Military Transition Resources Assist Retiring Military to Find a Career in Educational Facilities
Thinking about a career in educational facilities after the military? Numerous veterans from all service branches have found successful and satisfying second careers in the campus facilities enterprise.
A new APPA site was developed by veterans for transitioning military members to consider working in the educational facilities environment. APPA wants to help make your transition as seamless as possible by offering resource information and practical tips.
Sections include:
- Why Higher Ed
- Types of Jobs
- Where to Find Jobs
- Sponsor Program
- Resources
Visit the Military Transition pages today! For questions or additional information, please contact Darren Hale, University of Texas Austin, or Steven Gasser, University of Calgary.
FPI 2019-20 is Open!
APPA’s 2019-20 Facilities Performance Indicators (FPI) survey is now open and ready to collect your facilities-related data. The streamlined survey showcases the new look and feel of FPI 2.0 and will allow our FPI participants much greater ease of data entry.
APPA’s newest dashboards will allow our members to make better, more data-driven decisions without an intermediary serving as their interpreter. It’s your data, and now you have myriad ways to see and understand your data that will allow you to take control of facilities, have a seat at the decision-making table and make the case for change without guesswork for staffing and operations, capital renewal and modernization, and employee/customer success. By showing present-day performance in the context of goals and historical trending, participants will be able to generate insights and best practices that drive action and guidance for next steps on their unique institutional continuous improvement journey.
For more information on the survey, contact Christina Hills.
Check Out APPA’s Webinar Schedule for 2021
APPA’s popular webinar series continues in 2021 with scheduled free educational facilities webinars and Town Halls on a near-weekly basis throughout the year! Be sure to join us and earn your continuing education units where applicable. Bookmark this page for regular updates and additions.
Join our Growing Community!
Our new year’s resolution is to be more social. Join our growing community, by following us on social media and share your new year’s resolutions!
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To do this, go to myAPPA and click on myAPPA Menuing, and then myAPPA Profile. If you need assistance, contact [email protected] or 703-542-3823.
The APPA Staff
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Anita Dosik is APPA’s associate director of publications and managing editor of Facilities Manager. She can be reached at [email protected].
To share an event or news item, send detailed information for consideration. This information will be used based on available space and relevance to our readership. To contribute, contact [email protected].
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