The workshop will take place on Monday, May 19 and Thursday, May 22 from 2-4 p.m. ET.
This workshop offers strategies and tools to develop and hone literacy around STARS version 3.0, with the ultimate goal of helping institutions efficiently submit, review and publish high-quality and accurate reports.
This workshop will cover the basic principles of STARS data quality, the review and revision process, differences under version 3.0, important deadlines, and integral data quality resources. It will address common issues that apply to all credits and will include a closer review of specific credits as requested by workshop registrants. Attendees will learn about strategies for building effective partnerships between STARS institutions and report reviewers.
This workshop is specific to STARS version 3.0, and is ideal for STARS liaisons, data collectors and prospective report reviewers working under that version. Participation in this workshop is required for individuals wishing to earn a STARS Data Quality certificate (recognized under the Data Quality Certificate bonus credit).
The workshop will be recorded and made available to all who register. Upon signing up for this workshop, you will be asked a few short questions to help us build and present content that is most valuable to you.