APPA Board Commitment

The APPA Board of Directors recognized it was time for APPA to formalize its past and current practice around equity and inclusiveness for the association. With the formation of a Task Force to focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), APPA continues to prepare for every future by demonstrating a sustained and comprehensive commitment to establish an organizational climate that is just and inclusive – regardless of individual differences, beliefs, or identities. APPA’s Board approved a Statement of Commitment (as follows) and associated definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion. (For detailed definitions, follow this link…)
Statement of Commitment: “APPA is committed to the intentional and ongoing pursuit of a welcoming environment where diversity of thought and perspective is highly valued, free from barriers, and seeks to correct conditions of disadvantage. To fully represent the people and places of the educational communities we serve, APPA will empower its members through the provision of its resources and services in a fair and impartial manner. Our strength stems from the dedication, experiences, unique attributes, and talents of every member.”