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Leadership Academy

APPA’s Leadership Academy prepares educational facilities professionals to become effective leaders with the skills to create thriving cultures of trust and lifelong learning that they can take back to their institutions. A comprehensive course for educational facilities professionals, the Academy touches on all aspects of successful FM leadership skills: individual, interpersonal, managerial, and organizational.

Core Curriculum

Available both in-person and virtual programming, this interactive learning experience is based on proven leadership development solutions. Facilities professionals progress through four levels of instruction:

  1. Individual Effectiveness Skills (Level I)
  2. Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills (Level II)
  3. Managerial Effectiveness Skills (Level III)
  4. Organizational Effectiveness Skills (Level IV)

After the course is completed, the student receives a certificate of completion and is eligible to receive continuing education units (CEUs).

On-Campus & Virtual Offerings

Want to host the Leadership Academy on your campus? Contact the APPA Professional Development team.

March 3-5, 2025Leadership Academy – Level II (Campus Only)
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
March 11-13, 2025Leadership Academy – Level I (Campus Only)
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX
March 24-26, 2025Leadership Academy Level II (Campus Only)
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
July 28-30, 2025Leadership Academy – Level III (Campus Only)
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
November 3-5, 2025Leadership Academy – Level IV (Campus Only)
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
November 10-14, 2025Leadership Academy – Level II (In-Person)
Clemson University
Register Now
Recommended Hotel
November 11-13, 2025Leadership Academy Level III (Campus Only)
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX

Next in-person Leadership Academy at APPA U

Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld
6677 Sea Harbor Drive,
Orlando, Florida, USA, 32821

Room block closes on May 11, 2025.
Hotel Reservations
Held in conjunction with the Institute for Facilities Management

Attendees of the Leadership Academy described it as:

If you have any questions, please contact APPA’s Professional Development staff.