Section II-A: Plant Management
- Capital Renewal and Deferred Maintenance by Harvey Kaiser
- Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity by John DeLaHunt, MBA, ARM
- Facilities Condition Assessment by Harvey Kaiser
- Recapitalization Management by Douglas Christensen, Past APPA President and APPA Fellow
- Work Management by Mark Webb, EFP
Section II-B: Building Systems
- Building Architectural and Structural Systems by Steven Thweatt
- Building Control Systems by Gary Reynolds, Past APPA President and APPA Fellow
- Building Electrical Systems
- Building Fire Protection by John DeLaHunt, MBA, ARM
- Building Interiors by Jean Sebben
- Building Mechanical Systems by Gary Reynolds, Past APPA President and APPA Fellow
- Elevator Systems by Jay Popp
Section II-C: Plant Services
- Cleaning Operations by Steven Gilsdorf, CEFP
- Facilities Maintenance and Operations by Gary Reynolds, Past APPA President, APPA Fellow
- Grounds Maintenance and Operations by John Lawter, EFP and Rob Doletzky and Kenn Rapp
- Solid Waste and Recycling by Phillip Melnick
Section II-D: Campus Services
- Fire Prevention on College and University Campuses by Robert Ferrara and Jeffrey Issler, Ph.D., MPH
- Campus Security by Christopher Blake
- Environmental Health and Safety by Ralph Allen
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