Two chapters from Part 2 of APPA’s Body of Knowledge (BOK) have been updated: Solid Waste and Recycling, and Cleaning Operations.

Solid Waste and Recycling explains the importance of solid waste management at universities, defines solid waste, and outlines various approaches to solid waste disposal. Just as there is no one plan for solid waste disposal that all institutions can use, there isn’t just one strategy that will work within an institution. Instead, an integrated approach that relies on the hierarchy of reduction, reuse, recycling, and disposal is needed to effectively manage your institution’s municipal solid waste.

First impressions are lasting impressions, and when one walks onto the campus for the first time, the appearance of the grounds and the buildings will have an immediate impact on the visitor, the student prospect visiting the campus, or the student’s bill-paying parents.
Cleaning Operations delves into the primary role of educational institutions to advance the education of students and conduct research, where no two campuses are the same. Regardless of the differences, facilities professionals can greatly impact a visitor’s perception of any campus.
Available to APPA members only, the BOK is a searchable, digital database that develops, updates, and disseminates the foundational content required by facilities professionals at colleges, universities, and other nonprofit educational organizations. Its 63 chapters, which are reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis, cover topics categorized in the four core areas of General Administration and Management; Operations and Maintenance; Energy, Utilities, and Environmental Stewardship; and Planning, Design, and Construction.
APPA members wishing to get involved in the BOK, whether as chapter authors or peer reviewers, are asked to contact Glen Haubold ([email protected]) and Steve Maruszewski ([email protected]), using the subject line APPA Body of Knowledge.