This chapter on Recapitalization Management has been updated in the Body of Knowledge (BOK). It appears in Part 2: Operations and Maintenance.

Recapitalization is defined in funding terms as periodic recurring costs for replacement/renewal projects and one-time funding for improvements and programmatic projects. These are capital costs associated with the reinvestment of funds in a building or fixed asset. These projects are typically larger in size than annual maintenance work is, and they often involve replacing or renewing a building’s major subsystems or infrastructure areas.
This chapter delves into subjects such as the total cost of ownership, lifecycle principles, and BIM recapitalization.
Available to APPA members only, the BOK is a searchable, digital database that develops, updates, and disseminates the foundational content required by facilities professionals at colleges, universities, and other nonprofit educational organizations. Its 63 chapters, which are reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis, cover topics categorized in the four core areas of General Administration and Management; Operations and Maintenance; Energy, Utilities, and Environmental Stewardship; and Planning, Design, and Construction.
APPA members wishing to get involved in the BOK, whether as chapter authors or peer reviewers, are asked to contact Glen Haubold and Steve Maruszewski using the subject line APPA Body of Knowledge.