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BOK Chapter Update: Change Management

September 24, 2024

The Change Management chapter has been updated in the Body of Knowledge (BOK). It appears in Part I: General Administration and Management. Many thanks to the author, John Morris, for this update.

We have all heard the adage that the only thing constant is change. It turns out that this statement is accurate. In fact, change and expectations of change are increasing exponentially. There are changes in customer expectations, changes in building systems, changes in information technology, changes related to building construction and building system performance, changes related to the environmental impact of our operations—including sustainability and energy, changes in security requirements, changes in reporting capabilities, changes in the workforce demographics, on and on. Similarly, access to the web, e-mail, and social media has increased demand for timely and accurate information.

Facilities department and physical plant employees often see change management as something required only of other departments at the college and university. Nothing could be further from the truth. Conversely, facilities departments that fail to change with the times and new demands will ensure their department is doomed to mediocrity. To achieve the world-class service many of us strive for, we must be willing to embrace change and prepare our organizations to do the same.

Available to APPA members only, the BOK is a searchable, digital database that develops, updates, and disseminates the foundational content required by facilities professionals at colleges, universities, and other nonprofit educational organizations. Its 63 chapters, which are reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis, cover topics categorized in the four core areas of General Administration and Management; Operations and Maintenance; Energy, Utilities, and Environmental Stewardship; and Planning, Design, and Construction.  

APPA members wishing to get involved in the BOK, whether as chapter authors or peer reviewers, are asked to complete this form or send an email Glen Haubold ([email protected]) and Steve Maruszewski ([email protected]), using the subject line APPA Body of Knowledge

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