APPA Bylaws
Final revisions from Governance Restructure; Approved by APPA Board of Directors July 1, 2021
- The principal office of APPA, a non-profit corporation incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia and authorized to conduct its activities in the Commonwealth of Virginia (hereinafter the Association), shall be located in the Commonwealth of Virginia, City of Alexandria.
- The Association may have such other office or offices at such suitable place or places within or without the City of Alexandria, Virginia, as may be designated from time to time by the Association’s Board of Directors.
- The Association shall have and continuously maintain a registered office in the District of Columbia and the City of Alexandria, Virginia, and the Association’s Board of Directors shall appoint and continuously maintain in service in both jurisdictions, a registered agent who shall be a qualified individual.
The purposes of the Association, subject to the limitations of Article XVIII hereof, are to develop facilities leadership and maintain high standards in the administration, care, operation, planning, and development of facilities used by educational institutions; to promote professional ideals and standards to better serve the objectives of education; and to engage in such other related activities as may be desirable or required to fulfill the purposes and objectives of the Association. APPA shall be affiliated with and recognize the related purpose(s) of the APPA Board for Educational Facilities Professionals Certification (Certification Board), which is a separate organization established as a 501 (c)(6) with independent and autonomous decision making by the Certification Board.