Throughout 2023, APPA has partnered with leaders in higher education, DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), and organizational effectiveness and development to help facilities management professionals advance a more just and inclusive learning and working environment at their institutions. This five-part webinar series is free to attend, and all webinars have been recorded and are available to watch on demand.
Explicitly, APPA’s DEI webinar series focuses on institutional/facilities organization impact concerning DEI and ways to create a more welcoming, inviting, and belonging environment for everyone (internally and externally).
Implicitly, APPA demonstrates its interest in and actions around DEI in a variety of ways. By offering a webinar series focused on DEI, we increase the collective awareness of the roles we all play in advancing DEI and how we can be more effective in those efforts.

“To lend an institutional and facilities organization focus to the language we use and the actions we choose to drive our DEI efforts forward intentionally and meaningfully.”
Thank You for participating and leaning in to our 5-Part DEI Webinar Series.
Please visit our RESOURCES page to view past webinar recordings in APPA’s DEI series, read articles and what others have shared.
There is more to come soon.