APPA’s Facilities Performance Indicators (FPI) program provides a rich dataset for institutions to benchmark their facilities data, performance, and spending across their peers. APPA has been collecting data via the FPI program for decades, making it a valuable resource for our members.
Each year, APPA members submit data to compare their latest data with recent data from others. Once data is collected for a given year, participants are provided with detailed benchmarking information. APPA members who do not participate in the FPI surveys have limited access to benchmarking data. Detailed regarding the current survey (FY 23/24) are included below.
The FY2023-2024 Facilities Performance Indicators (FPI) Survey
There are two options available for submitting FPI data for fiscal year 2023-2024:
- Qualtrics Survey – Available through 1/15/2025: Similar to the last few years, APPA is collecting data via the Qualtrics survey tool. If you used Qualtrics last year, this option allows you to draw upon previously submitted data. Please complete the form below to gain access to the Qualtrics survey. NOTE: APPA is transitioning away from Qualtrics at the end of January due to high subscription fees—this is the reason for this tighter deadline.
- Excel Spreadsheet – Available through 3/31/2025: This Excel template can be used as an alternative to Qualtrics for FY23/24. Completed spreadsheets should be sent to [email protected].
The Future of FPI
Gathering data: As we transition away from Qualtrics, we are looking for opportunities to both simplify the overall FPI survey content as well as the format for submitting your facilities data. We are looking forward to working with our members to streamline the FPI submission process.
Reporting on FPI data: In addition to revising the data submission process, we are going to provide more robust options for accessing FPI data and benchmarking your organization. We want to make both historic and recent data available in a more accessible format in 2025.
Requesting Access to Qualtrics Survey for FY 2023-2024
Please submit the following form to gain access to the FY23/24 Qualtrics survey. Each organization has a unique ID that will be provided via email along with the survey link. Additional details will be provided via email. For any questions, please contact [email protected].
Accessing the 2023-24 FPI Survey
Please complete the form below in order to receive access to the FPI survey. Once the form is completed, you’ll receive an email with your institutional ID and survey link. You will need to ensure that your survey administrator maintains overall control of the survey link and data input. You may email the link and ID to anyone on campus and it is recommended that you assign people to specific modules/areas of the survey to complete.
PDF of all FY2023-24 survey questions
PDF of only required FY2023-24 survey questions
Looking for access to the former Key Facilities Metrics (KFM) Survey? It’s now integrated into the FPI survey and the questions have been added under a new sustainability module. You will now need to become an FPI survey participant in order to receive access to the KFM report output.
If you have any questions while completing the FPI survey, please email [email protected].