Assess… Measure… Then Lead…
To turn opportunities into reality, educational facilities professionals need the power of data at their fingertips. Measuring and monitoring performance identifies problems, informs the planning of future activities, and identifies areas of excellence to be celebrated. Performance metrics are most useful when they align with operational and institutional goals.
APPA’s surveys and dashboards will allow our members to make better, more data-driven decisions without an intermediary serving as their interpreter. APPA’s data collection and analytics tools give you myriad ways to see and understand your data and allow you to take control of your facilities, have a seat at the decision-making table, and make the case for change without guesswork for staffing and operations, capital renewal and modernization, and employee/customer success.
We believe data analytics should be about asking questions, so that data can reach its full potential and positively transform your entire organization. But it’s not just about creating or passing around reports and forecasts. The end goal is to get helpful data into the hands of decision makers, support staff, and management teams to drive continual improvement.
Data yearns to be free and transparent, to tell its stories to all those who care about its revelations. Discovering and sharing those stories is easy to do now within the APPA community.

Facilities Performance Indicators (FPI)
Designed programming for individuals new to the supervisor’s role or looking to enhance their supervisory skills.
Complimentary webinar series keeping APPA members informed and connected in the facilities world.