Welcome to APPA
If you are a facilities professional or are looking for a career within educational facilities at a college, university, public or independent K-12 school or district, library, or museum, you’ve come to the right place.
APPA (formerly the Association of Physical Plant Administrators) offers a wealth of informational resources, continuous learning programs, and opportunities to connect and network with fellow facilities professionals in a welcoming and inclusive environment.
Explore some of the many programs, services, and activities that APPA provides to its members and others in the educational facilities community.
Job Express is APPA’s popular web-based job listing site for educational facilities professionals and their employers. You can also post your resume under Resume Bank.
APPA’s professional development programs provide real-world leadership and technical skills uniquely designed for careers within all levels of educational facilities management.
Earning the Certified Educational Facilities Professional credential (CEFP) confirms your mastery of principles and practices within the educational facilities enterprise.
APPAconnect an exclusive, member-only listserv that allows facilities professionals to network with peers, discuss challenges and solutions, explore best practices, and get quick answers to pressing questions related to their day-to-day work.
APPA’s bimonthly digital magazine provides both practical and big-picture perspectives on issues and challenges shared throughout the educational facilities profession.
APPA’s Bookstore is your entry point to a comprehensive knowledge bank in the field of educational facilities, including APPA’s Operational Guidelines for Educational Facilities.
APPA’s Body of Knowledge (BOK)
APPA’s BOK is a searchable, digital database that develops, updates, and disseminates the foundational content required by facilities professionals at colleges, universities, schools, museums, and other nonprofit, educational organizations.
APPA’s popular webinar and Town Hall series provide current and relevant content, delivered by industry experts, and are free to attend live or access later at your time and place of choosing.