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Share Your Best Practices in Facilities Manager

October 2, 2023

Cover image of the September/October 2023 Facilities Manager, published by APPA. The theme is Leadership and the Workplace. The cover shows an orange boat leading several blue boats.

What’s the good news from your campus? Facilities Manager, APPA’s bimonthly digital magazine, welcomes recent case studies and emerging best practices from facilities management professionals at APPA-member institutions in 2024. The magazine’s 2024 editorial calendar outlines issue themes, submission deadlines, and more information related to practical and big-picture perspectives on the most pressing issues and challenges advancing and impacting your work.

Publishing in Facilities Manager is a great way to share engaging, behind-the-scenes accounts of why your work matters and how you get it done. Each issue features a range of voices, perspectives, and topics related to best practices in facilities management.

See the 2024 Editorial Calendar. See the Editorial Guidelines.

January/February 2024: The Year Ahead 
Submission deadline: December 1, 2023

March/April 2024: A Seat at the Table 
Submission deadline: January 29, 202

May/June 2024 : Creative Conversions 
Submission deadline: March 25, 2024

July/August 2024: The Next Generation Workforce 
Submission deadline: May 27, 2024

September/October 2024: Ramping Up Revenue 
Submission deadline: July 29, 2024

November/December 2024: The Sustainable Campus 
Submission deadline: September 30, 2024 

2024 Editorial Calendar / Editorial Guidelines

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